If you've got this far its probably safe to assume that your interest has been piqued. The nuts and bolts of where the info comes from, where we get the inside tips and how the conclusions are reached remain a closely guarded secret. Having said that, in an attempt to provide some insight into what you might be signing up to this page exists to give a rough overview of what the process looks like, what is needed from you and what you get out of it at the end.
If a full blown anlaysis isn't your thing then that's ok. If you just want to get an opinion on a new product or ask for a quick run down on one particular item then I'm more than happy to do that.
It would be great to do this for the simple love of helping people enjoy their cycling the reality of life means the services come with a charge. Over on the next page is an indication of the charges for the services. If the idea of being charged for this puts you off I'd encourage you to have a look at the next page anyway, I'm not just in this for the money.